I have absolutely no idea how cold the caravan might get. I hear my mother had got her needles out and is looking out patterns for wooly hats, socks, draught excluders, nose cosies, etc.
My sister is keeping her well away from the caravan - she's staying only a few miles away. This might be for the best, at least until I have it swept clean of spiders and rodent corpses, but oddly I think she will cope better than most with the reality. She did after all survive a blitz, rationing and 5 years of bathing in a bucket in front of the kitchen fire in a welsh farmhouse.
Got here from your Poor_Skills post on LJ - love the look of the place, but it does look cold. Look forward to more pics and more news!
Actually it was a lovely little hip bath and it was in front of the nursery fire. The blitz of Bristol was more like a fireworks display to me and an excuse to make a little house under the kitchen table. I loved the barrage balloons.
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