Sunday, December 20, 2009

.... and the results are in!

Forget the Strictly and the Xmas single, I am about to publish the most
important news of the season.

The Solar de-humidifier.

Does it work?

I climbed the hill though ankle deep snow (crisp, even and dotted with
sheep poo) to discover if the few days of sunlight we've enjoyed in the
past 6 weeks have had any effect during one of the wettest autumns on
record. Rivers burst their banks, bridges collapsed, Dubai disappeared
under flood water (tru-fax, I saw it happen) - but would the Stone
Caravan remain mildew-free.

The first signs were not promising - the path was a slick of ice,
curling from beneath the front door where the ditch had overflowed and
run through the porch.

I unlocked the door, stepped in and sniffed.

Fresh, dry air.

For the first time in 3 years the Stone Caravan smelt of fresh, dry air.

No mould. Mo mildew. No clammy air.

Glory be. In months to come I can store matches, salt, sugar and
bedding in my home without the risk of finding only a pile of soggy
green refuse on my return.

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